Beijer Tech is active in industrial trading and manufacturing. Our businesses offer customized industrial supplies, components, machines, service and production solutions. Our operations are organized in the two business areas Fluid Technology, Industrial Products and Niche technologies. More information about our businesses can be found on each subsidiary’s Web site by following the links below.
A leading Nordic wholesaler of fluid technology related products. The company offers more than 35 000 articles within hoses, couplings, rubber, chemicals, hydraulics, transmissions, and sealings.
To lundgrenssverige.seThrough the acquisition of Codan AS, Lundgrens has established itself on the Norwegian market with its wide product assortment and accurate delivery precision. The Norwegian business is based out of Oslo and offers short lead times to the entire Norwegian market.
To codan-gummi.noPackningar & Plast is a complete supplier to the Swedish industry of high quality customized sealings and plastics products with short lead times. Since 2019, Packningar & Plast is incorporated in Lundgrens Sverige AB.
To packplast.seSvenska Brandslangsfabriken AB (Svebab) is the leading Nordic producer of fire hoses. Svebab’s fire hoses are well known around the world for its high quality and innovative designs.
To svebab.sePA Ventiler conducts sales of valves, primarily to the pulp & paper industry as well as the chemical and petrochemical industry.
To Paventiler.seNoxon provides decanter centrifuges, polymer machines, control systems and after-sales services related to water treatment in several applications. The company’s customers primarily comprise municipal wastewater treatment plants as well as customers in other industries, such as fishing, recycling, chemical, paper, and oil and gas. Its main markets are Sweden, Finland, Norway and Poland.
To noxon.seAVS is a technical wholesaler and manufacturer of pneumatics, industrial valves and compressors with a well-established global network of high-quality suppliers. Through its technical and manufacturing capabilities, the company can tailor its products based on customers’ needs and preferences. The company is headquartered in Espoo with presence at five additional locations through manufacturing and sales units.
To Industri (Beijers) is a technology-oriented trading company focused on supplies, raw materials, machines and equipment to the industry. Beijers’ employees have wide technical experiences from many industries.
To beijerind.seKarlebo offers a market leading machine assortment within additive manufacturing, die casting, foundry and surface finishing. In addition to equipment, Karlebo offers a comprehensive service concept which increases the life span of the customers’ equipment.
To karlebo.seTebeco is Sweden’s leading supplier of machinery and supplies for surface finishing and water jet cutting. The suppliers within each technology field are carefully selected to enable efficient and customized solutions.
To tebeco.sePMU is focused on industrial service, maintenance, manufacturing and installation for the manufacturing industry. PMU is a complete partner with experienced designers and inhouse manufacturing.
To pmuab.seBeijers Finland is a technology-oriented trading company that delivers supplies, machinery and equipment to the industry. Beijers represents leading suppliers in the steel and foundry sectors.
To beijers.fiUuudenman Murskaus is a part of Beijers Finland and delivers wear parts and spear parts for stone crushers. The assortment is focused on high quality products with long lifetime.
To www.murskaus.euKTT Teknikka offers service and spare parts for mechanical power transmission. The company is present in several locations across Finland and targets a wide range of industries.
To ktt.fiNorspray offers rental equipment, tools and consumables for the surface treatment industry. The company is based in Stavanger, Norway, but is active all over Europe and in the rest of the world.
To norspray.noBeijers Norway is a technology-oriented trading company that focuses on supplies, machinery and equipment for the Norwegian foundry and manufacturing industry. Beijers Norway is nowadays a part of Norspray.
To norspray.noPreben Z offers market leading supplies and equipment for surface treatment e.g. cutting, deburring, grinding and polishing. The company has a broad customer base across Denmark and internationally.
To prebenz.dkEncitech is a Swedish company with long experience of construction, manufacturing and global distribution of electrical components. The main business is manufacturing of hoods and connectors but also distribution of well-known external brands.
To encitech.seNovosystems is active in building automation systems and offers energy-efficient solutions for public and private customers in Sweden. The company focuses on complete solutions for Indoor environments through system integration and coordination, particularly in commercial and specialized buildings. In operational terms, Novosystems will be included in Beijer Tech’s subsidiary INUstyr.
To novosystems.seMountpac grundades 2001 som ett monterings- och packningsföretag. Genom ett stort kundfokus och lyhördhet har bolaget sedan dess utvecklats till en helhetsleverantör med djupgående kundsamarbeten. Via egen plåttillverkning och en bred leverantörsbas bistår Mountpac sina kunder med allt från enstaka kundanpassade stansdetaljer till komplexa produkter, ofta med ett helhetsansvar från konstruktion till packning och distribution. Mountpac har 16 anställda i Hillerstorp och omsätter cirka 50 Mkr med god lönsamhet.
To mountpac.seAirex own the patent for the Heatbox, which is an air and explosion proof transport solution of paint, oil etc
Norserv provides products and service for surface treatment , for example pumps, passive fire protection as well as coating removal.
Norserv is, just as Norspray, located in Stavanger and have 3 employees. Revenue is 6 M NOK.
Clemco is a complete supplier in pre-treatment and after-treatment of equipment for corrosion protection. The product range largely consists of blasting and spray-painting equipment as well as related products, service and maintenance. The company, which has a strong brand, a high service level and extensive industry experience, has its head office in Oslo with 11 employees. Clemco’s annual revenue amounts to approximately NOK 70 million with favorable profitability.
To is active in building automation systems and offers energy efficient solutions for public and private customers in Sweden. The company focuses on complete solutions for indoor environments through system integration and coordination, particularly in commercial and specialized Buildings.
To inustyr.seKällström designs and produces equipment for filling, mixing, and handling of corrosive liquids, primarily for the international battery industry. The company has a high degree of technical expertise with nearly 30 years of experience from the industry and a well-established brand with long-term customer relationships.
To kallstrom.comSwedish Microwave’s (“SMW”) products are, among others, used within the marine industry, earth observation as well as among satellite and teleport operators. The products are characterized by technical complexity with stringent quality requirements. SMW has a strong focus on product development, enabled by a high degree of technical expertise
To smw.seBotek develops, manufactures and supplies vehicle-mounted scales with systems for RFID-based collection recording and associated software solutions for planning, executing and reporting collection services within the waste management industry. The products are technically complex and used in demanding environments, which imposes high quality requirements. The company has a high degree of technical expertise and works proactively with both product and software development to maintain its leading position. Including its subsidiaries, Botek has a total of 44 employees in Ulricehamn, Stockholm, Smedjebacken and Torsby, with turnover of approximately MSEK 100 and good profitability.
To Lamex manufactures top-quality laminated windscreens for commercial vehicles and off-road machinery. We specialise in windscreens for buses and coaches. You can see our windscreens on, for example, the red double-decker buses in London.
Finn Lamex is an original equipment manufacturer. In addition, we do after-market sales for bus manufacturers and wholesalers.